
Our story, the Green Storage, and the journey that led to the highest storage standard
in Israel, providing a warm familiar environment.

We established Green Storage in 2013 out of love for possessions and an understanding of the meaning they have for each of us. After all, the sentimental value of trip souvenirs, the first-born son’s crib, and grandma’s cutlery or recipes- are priceless.

Our story began thousands of miles away from home. For years we searched for ways to store belongings that we gathered over time, but we struggled to find satisfying solutions to guard our property against any harm. And then we came to Australia, we discovered a different level of storage standard, and we decided to bring it to Israel. We realized that the family’s passion could be translated into storage services that would assist others in keeping their beloved possessions safe- without finding themselves in a daily space shortage.

Storing in Green Storage Standards

The love for possessions produced the Green Storage’s approach:

We at the Green Storage don’t settle with a relentless storage standard. As a family business produced out of love for possessions, we understand how important they are to you. That is why we envelop you with a professional and personal service: instead of changing clerks, when you arrive or call- family members will welcome you, experienced storage professionals that work out of the desire to keep your belongings safe. The close accompaniment includes consulting and finding storage solutions specifically for your needs, and needless to say, constant response to your requests and needs.

The highest storage standard in Israel- with a warm familial environment

We at the Green Storage don’t settle with a relentless storage standard. As a family business produced out of love for possessions, we understand how important they are to you. That is why we envelop you with a professional and personal service: instead of changing clerks, when you arrive or call- family members will welcome you, experienced storage professionals that work out of the desire to keep your belongings safe. The close accompaniment includes consulting and finding storage solutions specifically for your needs, and needless to say, constant response to your requests and needs.

Protecting your property- and the environment

Storing property at the highest standard in Israel enables us to safe-keep your precious memories- and much more: in many cases, preserving existing possessions spares us from buying new ones. That is our way of supporting sustainability and reducing the amount of discarded waste (for example, did you know that each and every one of us creates an average of 600 kg of waste per year?).

From that approach, the name of our business was born- The Green Storage: wanting to do more with what we have, preserve the existing instead of throwing out and buying more, looking after the environment and our wallets as well. In the spirit of this view, the Green Storage is involved in environmental and social initiatives to preserve the existing. Among other projects, we participated in an initiative to preserve old mailboxes, which became decorative vintage pieces, decorating residences and businesses. By the way, if you visit the Green Storage branch in Kiryat Anavim, you will be welcomed by an old 50’s fire truck.

Storing in Green Storage Standards

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